In this occasion, I’ll write about Christmas…since my vision!! This is a date I love so much, really!! In my family this date has a meaning very important, profound and transcendental. According with our knowledge, the Christmas is the incarnation of The Christ, in that way is a spiritual birth and not physical. Christ isn’t a person, is something as a grade. Jesus is a Christ, in the same way like other persons in the history. A Christ is somebody with a awake conscious, with the chakras activated, with the “snake picked up” (?)…because is a person who had eliminated all the egos. The road is: to die, to born and the sacrifice for the humanity…this is the work for all who want to know the True with the heart and be the real expression of the Love in the Life. In this way, the typical symbols of Christmas have other meaning for us, for example: the Christmas tree represent the pineal gland, the Star is the awake conscious, the Virgin is our Divine Mother Devi Kundalini…etc. This is a little class about the Christmas according to us…according to GNOSIS (for more information visit: www.sabiduriagnostica.cl) Jajajaja this is something very difficult to explain/learn in Spanish and in English…UF!!! Jajajaja.
Generally all the persons celebrate this date, believer or not. For they is important to be with all the persons who are important for they. It´s the same for me, so, in this Christmas my mother, my brother and me will travel to Retiro to be with my grandmother. In there, we will have a delicious dinner in the night before Christmas (December 24th) and them we will give our presents and we will receive others. While I write this I remember to my grandfather, he said: “All the days are Christmas”…Of course!! We all the day must give presents!! Not necessarily material thing, just hear to somebody and give our understanding is one thousand of times more important!!! Is not necessary wait Christmas to give presents and remember to Christ. So, don’t forget that: ALL THE DAYS CAN BE CHRISTMAS!!! J