sábado, 13 de noviembre de 2010

In this occasion, I’ll write about Christmas…since my vision!! This is a date I love so much, really!! In my family this date has a meaning very important, profound and transcendental. According with our knowledge, the Christmas is the incarnation of The Christ, in that way is a spiritual birth and not physical. Christ isn’t a person, is something as a grade. Jesus is a Christ, in the same way like other persons in the history. A Christ is somebody with a awake conscious, with the chakras activated, with the “snake picked up” (?)…because is a person who had eliminated all the egos. The road is: to die, to born and the sacrifice for the humanity…this is the work for all who want to know the True with the heart and be the real expression of the Love in the Life. In this way, the typical symbols of Christmas have other meaning for us, for example: the Christmas tree represent the pineal gland, the Star is the awake conscious, the Virgin is our Divine Mother Devi Kundalini…etc. This is a little class about the Christmas according to us…according to GNOSIS (for more information visit: www.sabiduriagnostica.cl) Jajajaja this is something very difficult to explain/learn in Spanish and in English…UF!!! Jajajaja.

Generally all the persons celebrate this date, believer or not. For they is important to be with all the persons who are important for they. It´s the same for me, so, in this Christmas my mother, my brother and me will travel to Retiro to be with my grandmother. In there, we will have a delicious dinner in the night before Christmas (December 24th) and them we will give our presents and we will receive others. While I write this I remember to my grandfather, he said: “All the days are Christmas”…Of course!! We all the day must give presents!! Not necessarily material thing, just hear to somebody and give our understanding is one thousand of times more important!!! Is not necessary wait Christmas to give presents and remember to Christ. So, don’t forget that: ALL THE DAYS CAN BE CHRISTMAS!!! J

viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010

My childhood!!

In general, I can define my childhood like a nice time. Y had the lucky to live in a big house with a big garden. My garden had a lot of fruit trees, plants and flowers. That was my little Garden of Eden!! When I was five years old, more or less, my mom worked, so, I was in the house with my grandmother and my uncle. My grandmother didn`t share time with me, because her big problem was the housework, so, the most of the time she was in the kitchen, in the garden sweeping…and in the afternoons she was in front of the TV. Very funny for a girl… XD!
However, my uncle was fantastic, he is the second man more important in my life (after of my brother! J). He was like a father and a big friend for me. He showed me a magic world, admiring the nature together.
I remember one time…it was winter…it was raining…and the day was so cold. I was into the house with my mom and with my grandmother, when my uncle called me, because “ he had something wonderful to show to the girl”. I followed him and we saw a rainbow, he laugh like a child…we were happy!!
Other times he read me some stories or we talked about thing invented by us. However, sometimes he was busy, so, he couldn`t play with me….in that occasions he said me “lapipalel” (pencil and paper) that means that he had to write (because he is poet)…so I had to find something funny alone. What I did? Y planted the weeds that my grandmother pull up, I looked the flowers, the little insects, and I imagined a magic world between the plants…jajaja!! My childhood was a fairies` story!! (just in that period…)

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

The power of Love!

Researchers at Stanford University did a studied the relation between love and drugs. They founded that the love has similar effects that drugs, for example, in the reduction of the pain. In the research, men and women saw the photograph of their loved person while they received a little painful stimulus. At the same time their brain was being analyzed with a scanner by a resonance magnetic. The result was that the feelings of love act as a painkiller, because the scanner shows that the zones of their brains that were activated during the experiment were the same that the zones activated by cocaine or morphine.
In the same way, these researchers investigated whether the simple distraction had the same effect. In this experiment, the result was similar than the previous, however, the zones activated in the brain was different. According with Jarred Younger, the brain pthways leading to pain relief were mostly cognitive. But the love, is much associated with reward centres.

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010


According to me, Santiago is ugly, because there are a lot of people, the streets are dirty, like the air and there isn’t something nice to do. Maybe I said this because y don’t know Santiago completely…it’s a possibility.
So, …A place in Santiago, very funny, that a foreigner tourist must visit is Fantasilandia!! In Fantasilandia is a diversion park where there are a lot of amusements, the idea is arrive early and to be all the day there, in that way, you can profit better the day!! Is the ideal place to forget the stress!
Other important place is the Cathedral of Santiago, this building is very old and for that reasons it has a lot of history. Is a beautiful construction as for out as for in of it. However, like is a religious place was created for the contemplation, not for take pictures!!!
If you are in Santiago of Chile, you must visit La Moneda…it there isn’t fantastic, but is the Palace of Government of this country…and that is important. If you go to know that, ask for September 11th, 1973.
Santiago has two hills, one called San Cristóbal and the other Santa Lucía. The first one is bigger than the second one, but each one has its charmed. In San Crstóbal there are two swimming tanks, there is a zoo… between other thing, but its principal characteristic is the statue of the Virgin in the summit of it. Santa Lucía is famous because a lot of people go there to be alone with their loved person!!
This is my recommendation!!

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

I must admit I don´t know nothing about the problem in this moment, that`s the reason I choose this topic, like a way to research about it.So, this problem born with the return of the democracy in Chile, where the mapuches take force and all together decide to fight for their rights, their autonomy and the recuperation of their grounds. For to reach their objectives, they have done many things, for example, they have taken other grounds; they have attacked with fire and arms. Other way have been the taken for thirty four mapuches, they preferred to do a hunger strike. The last month, the president Sebastian Piñera gave a conference in the United Nation where he spoke about the topic saying that the big solution is the Araucania Plan and the “negotiating table”. However, according with the leaders of the mapuche`s movement “The Government don`t have nothing concrete”.Really I think that the Government don`t have intentions of admit the mapuche`s rights, simply they are waiting that mapuches lost forces, hopes and union. Respect of the “negotiating table” is just a big lie, because, according to me, the Government don`t reach a negotiation, but to convince to mapuches. Doesn´t the respect they must receive, because they are the original people of our country, of our earth, of our blood!!! The Government just try to repress it, like an annoying unconscious content, where the negation is necesary to continue living.

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

Fushigina deai....

The first term we wrote about this topic…in that opportunity I chosen like my favorite movie: “Kikujiro”, an oriental movie about a boy, called Masao, who discover that his mom have other family now. How our teacher read about it, I`ll choose other. Mmmm….I`m not sure if this is my favorite one, but I love it so much!! Its name is: “Tonari no Totoro”!!
“Tonari no Totoro” (that means: My Neighbor Totoro) is an oriental movie too, but this is a cartoon. It was directed by Hayao Miyazaki in the same year that I borned: 1988 J
This is the story about a rural Japanese family from the middle of the past century, the father with his two daughters. This family arrived to live in a big and very old house. This house is located near to the forest…
As the house was closed during a long time, and it`s old…the house was so dirty!! So, when the little girl, Mei Kusakabe, opened the door…she saw a lot of “little dust`s rabbits”. It was the first estrange situations for the girls…soon, they will live a fantastic adventure surrounded of magic creatures.
One day, Mei was picking seeds near of the house when she saw an estrange “animal”, it run and Mei followed it…Something similar to the Alicia`s story, because this “animal” entered to the forest, specifically to the roots of a big tree: the door of a magic place where lived Totoro: the spirit of the forest. Satsuki, the big sister, was so worried because her sister was disappeared and their father was working. Looking for Mei, Satsuki knew to Totoro, and all together fly in the sky of the night!! In other opportunity Mei disappeared again because his father received a new about her mom from the hospital…so, she had fear and run desperate and alone. Fortunately, a bus-cat helped to Satsuki to find to Mei and want to the hospital and saw that their mother was getting better!!!
Finally, the two sisters come back to the forest flying in the bus-cat and planted the present`s Totoro: magic seeds!!
I like this movie because its plot is so simple…but show a fantastic world, that is, the children´s reality…replete of fantasy, surprises and spontaneous happiness. While I`m more old I love it more and moreJ

jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010

During the first term I did a lot of things, but not the all thing I wanted to do….like everybody!! I took six subjects in the university, I wanted to take “Latin I”, in fact, I went to some class, but my psychological subject started to demand me more time…so, I had to leave it. I “worked” with a psychologist and a partner in a school in the program “Abilities for the life”, it is a very bad program, but the experience with little children was wonderful!! Generally, the first term was boring, but this is begging considerably better!! J Respect to my other activities…in the ballet there are a lot of new people, but not of them are good for the dance, however they have posture. After the earthquake, with the ballet, I went to Alhué, a little town of this region, the people were reconstructing their houses, and we went to there to sing and dance house by house!!! And Them we did a performance in front of the municipality.
The few time didn`t permit me assist to the chorus. Something so important that happened the first term was that the house where I lived all my childhood was sold L that`s mean that I`ll never be in it again, I lost the house, the grapes, the big garden…all my memories of that time…
The important is that this term is being very good!